The Best Time to Visit Alaska Might Surprise You [VIDEO]

Here’s when to go, depending on which activity you’d like to do.

>> Related article: The Best Time to Visit Alaska

When is the best time to visit Alaska? While most people will recommend coming in the summer, that’s not necessarily the best time to go if you want to see the Northern Lights, take a train ride through fall foliage, or see a world-famous dog race. The travel experts at AFAR share the best time to travel to Alaska depending on the type of activity you want to do in this episode of Destination Spotlight.


Want to see Alaska’s jaw-dropping landscapes, abundant wildlife, and experience its rugged wilderness by train? For the most part, people would tell you to come during the summer. But the truth is, visiting Alaska during the other seasons also have their advantages, especially if you want to see the Northern Lights or the start of the world-famous Iditarod.

No fear, we’re here to help. Here are some of the most popular things to do in Alaska, and the best time to go to do them.

Good news: There isn’t a bad time to ride one of Alaska’s trains. From early May to late September, all Alaska Railroad routes are operated daily. Keep in mind, though, that during the rest of the year only the Aurora Winter Train, which runs from Anchorage to Fairbanks, operates, and even then it’s on a greatly reduced schedule.

Alaska is well-known for its salmon, but the best time to fish depends on which one you want to catch. For the king salmon, you’re going to want to cast a line from May to mid-July, while the best time for silver salmon is later in the summer, around from late July to early September.

There are plenty of other fish to look for. like halibut, arctic char, and trout. In general, look to the summer months, especially from May to September for the best of the best.

If you want to come to Alaska for a Northern Lights show, time your trip from mid-September to early April. Usually the lights are at their strongest in the weeks leading around the equinox, which occurs in late September and mid-March. Avoid the summer months if you can—Alaska’s Midnight Sun will stop the lights from being very visible.

The best time to cruise Alaska is from June to August. The summer months offer some of the best weather conditions, and enjoyable temperatures that range from 50s to 70s Fahrenheit. During this time, land animals fully come out of hibernation, and whales return to their feeding grounds.

Wildlife watching in Alaska is way less fun in the winter, when the brown bears are already in hibernation and whales are breeding in warmer waters. Aim to come from April to October, as this is when animals are out and about in places like Katmai National Park. Tour operators that take guests to see humpbacks, orcas, and minke also operate during this time.

For more than 50 years, mushers and their dog teams from Anchorage gather for the Iditarod race. The ceremonial start of this nearly 1,000-mile race always takes place on the first Saturday of March. Come during this time and feel the nervous excitement of the journey ahead, as the race spans some of the most challenging terrain and harshest weather conditions on the planet.

Chloe Arrojado is the associate editor of destinations at AFAR. She’s a big fan of cafés, dancing, and asking people on the street for restaurant recommendations.
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