Graycliff Cigar Company

West Hill Street Nassau BS, W Hill St, Nassau, The Bahamas

Cigar aficionados can get an up-close look at the making of cigars at the Graycliff Cigar Company. Located in the historic Graycliff Hotel in Nassau, this boutique cigar company uses a select blend of tobaccos to create its award-winning cigars, including the Graycliff, Bahiba, and Cabinet Selection by Graycliff varieties. Visitors can tour the cigar factory to watch the 16 expert torcedores at work, and even take a cigar-rolling lesson to learn the art of cigar making for themselves. Afterward, enjoy one of Graycliff’s fine cigars with a tasting session of rums from the Bahamas and the Caribbean.

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Graycliff Cigar Company, Nassau

Cigar aficionados can get an up-close look at the making of cigars at the Graycliff Cigar Company. Located in the historic Graycliff Hotel in Nassau, this boutique cigar company uses a select blend of tobaccos to create its award-winning cigars, including the Graycliff, Bahiba, and Cabinet Selection by Graycliff varieties. Visitors can tour the cigar factory to watch the 16 expert torcedores at work, and even take a cigar-rolling lesson to learn the art of cigar making for themselves. Afterward, enjoy one of Graycliff’s fine cigars with a tasting session of rums from the Bahamas and the Caribbean.

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