Beautys Luncheonette

93 Avenue du Mont-Royal O, Montréal, QC H2T 2S5, Canada

This Plateau lunch counter is as close as you can come to a American-style diner in Montreal. It was opened in 1942 by Hymie Sckolnick, who can still be seen on his trusty stool at the counter, but he’s passed his management tasks on to his son and lovely granddaughter. On weekends, the lineup out the door is explained by the plump omelets and incredible challah French toast, smothered in local maple syrup. Lunch lovers won’t want to miss their mac’n’cheese served with a side of house salad (their dressing is addictive), or their deluxe Club salad: it’s like a club sandwich without the bread, with chicken, bacon, cheese and a mountain of veggies. Perk: most dishes come with a bagel.

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This Plateau lunch counter is as close as you can come to a American-style diner in Montreal. It was opened in 1942 by Hymie Sckolnick, who can still be seen on his trusty stool at the counter, but he’s passed his management tasks on to his son and lovely granddaughter. On weekends, the lineup out the door is explained by the plump omelets and incredible challah French toast, smothered in local maple syrup. Lunch lovers won’t want to miss their mac’n’cheese served with a side of house salad (their dressing is addictive), or their deluxe Club salad: it’s like a club sandwich without the bread, with chicken, bacon, cheese and a mountain of veggies. Perk: most dishes come with a bagel.

Montreal's Original Brunch at Beauty's Luncheonette

Founded in 1942, Beauty’s is the originator of Montreal brunch. Order the Special to get your Montreal bagel fix alongside lox, cream cheese, sliced tomatoes, and onion. I topped off my brunch with plenty of coffee and a Bloody Mary, while reveling in the vintage diner vibes. To my delight, the Bloody was served as a build your own kit. A beautiful start to the day indeed!

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