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There are 20 results that match your search.
  • There’s never been a better time to explore close to home.
  • These photos and stories share a side of the seven nations that the ban doesn’t address—their humanity.
  • Lower fares and better service: Back-to-school season is the good-news season for deal-savvy flyers.
  • Mogadishu, Somalia
    Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia, has been experiencing internal conflict since 1991. Most of the city’s building have been hit or destroyed by the on-going warfare and suicide attacks, yet the location of the city among the Indian ocean pristine beach makes it an unsual place for a beach holiday, if one likes the thrill of danger and adventure
  • Financial Centre Road
    In colloquial Arabic, an avid traveler is jokingly dubbed Ibn Battuta in honor of the medieval globe-trotter by the same name. Battuta set off on a legendary adventure in 1325 that took him from modern-day Morocco all the way to Somalia, China, and Spain. The Ibn Battuta Mall honors this journey with epic architecture divided into several “courts” symbolic of each place he visited. Ready for more? The mall balances its historical themes with hundreds of modern shops—you can even grab a Starbucks coffee or catch a movie in the majestic Chinese court.