Wild Thyme Eco Retreat

7850 Palamartsa, Bulgaria

Four years ago, Claire Coulter and Chris Fenton (Irish and English expats, respectively) fell for the sleepy charm of Palamartsa. “All the little old ladies in this rural, traditional village have fantastic gardens,” says Claire. The duo learned the locals’ gardening secrets, layered on organic principles, and then opened an eco-retreat on a working farm with a cottage and a four-room guesthouse. Guests help collect eggs from the hens, take goats to pasture, and feed the pigs. The truly hard core can help slaughter pigs in June, take a butchering workshop, or learn how to make the tasty sausages served at breakfast. From $20. This appeared in the May 2015 issue.

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Wild Thyme Eco-Retreat: Live Like a Farmer in Bulgaria

Four years ago, Claire Coulter and Chris Fenton (Irish and English expats, respectively) fell for the sleepy charm of Palamartsa. “All the little old ladies in this rural, traditional village have fantastic gardens,” says Claire. The duo learned the locals’ gardening secrets, layered on organic principles, and then opened an eco-retreat on a working farm with a cottage and a four-room guesthouse. Guests help collect eggs from the hens, take goats to pasture, and feed the pigs. The truly hard core can help slaughter pigs in June, take a butchering workshop, or learn how to make the tasty sausages served at breakfast. From $20. This appeared in the May 2015 issue.

Information on this page, including website, location, and opening hours, is subject to have changed since this page was last published. If you would like to report anything that’s inaccurate, let us know at notification@afar.com.

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