Small Ship Cruises: The Arctic

From the land of the Midnight Sun enjoy the search for wildlife from the comfort of an small ship expedition boat. Days are spent looking for Arctic wildlife, where Polar bears, walrus, seals, and Arctic foxes haunt the ice edge.

Iceland’s arctic location draws all manner of impressive marine life, including 20 species of whale. Between April and September, the ocean becomes a feeding ground for these enormous mammals, and it’s possible to spot orca, humpback, minke and blue whales, as well as dolphins, porpoises and puffins. Head out on a boat trip from Reykjavík’s Old Harbor.
Hans Nilsens vei 41, 9020 Tromsdalen, Norway
Many visitors are surprised to learn this cathedral’s striking modern design dates to the 1960s. The soaring triangular structure is visible from downtown Tromsø, although taking a bus or cab is recommended as the walk across Tromsøya Bridge can be a windy one even on the sunniest day. Its simple interior is brightened by the large glass mosaic on the far wall, packed with intricate detail and symbolism. The ideal time to visit is just before midnight in the summer, when midnight sun concerts are held daily.
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